About Me.

“Never lower the bar when you fail, eventually you’ll trip over it.”

Andrew P. Kaido

I’m Andrew (Peter) Kaido. I was born on October 4th 2007, I have 2 older sisters, my favorite color is blue, and currently go to VVS CSD. I have interest in technology and want to go to college for mechanical engineering. I’m a tri-sport athlete; soccer in the fall, volleyball in the winter, and tennis in the spring.


Here is a picture of me playing in our first away game, my position was right back.





Extracurricular Activities.


  • I’ve been violin playing since 4th the grade
  • I play in both chamber and quintet for high school
  • My favorite song to play is Devil Went down to Georgia

Drama Club

  • My role in “Beauty and the Beast” was Monsieur D’Arque in 2023-24
  • My role in “Footloose” was Chuck in 2024-25
  • I started my sophomore year


  • I’m the president of Out Door Adventure Club
  • This picture was from our cross country trip to Black River
  • We do an over night trip at the end of the year